Tuesday, November 18, 2008

When Seconds Count ... The Downfall of Gun Free Zones

This video, and the accompanying article, are sobering reminders of what happens when only the criminals have guns, and the risk of relying upon the police to provide 100% of our armed defense.

Quotes from the video:

"'All schools are gun-free zones. These people know that when they go in there.'"
"That's right. The vast majority of mass murders have occurred in so-called 'gun-free zones'"
"Someone who's intent on committing mass murder isn't really going to be deterred by a sign that tells them that they can't have a gun at that location"
"And now the tacticians believe these signs may actually serve as an invitation to mass murderers."
"So they choose a school or a mall that has the signs on it that says 'come here and shoot me because there is nobody here that is armed."

Another quote: "Statistics show shootings kill far more students than fires".

Listen people: the police cannot protect you. It is simply a mathematical impossibility. They cannot be there fast enough. "Gun-free zones" simply disarm law-abiding citizens, but it makes them sitting ducks for someone who intends to do mass murder. I mean, how exactly is someone going to stop armed gunmen from coming into a gun-free zone?

For example, my workplace is a "no-guns" place, with a gunbuster sign as well as a probably-not-enforceable 30.06 sign. The front desk is manned by a receptionist. There is no armed security in the building. There are security personnel who roam the halls but they are unarmed, not even "rent-a-cop" level people. Really they are mostly there to make sure someone didn't leave a tripping hazard in the hallway or the fire exits are not blocked. If a disgruntled employee, who has a valid badge to get into the moderately-secure door, were to come in they would simply walk right past the receptionist with whatever guns in plain view, use their badge to get in the door while the receptionist pees her pants, and then go in and shoot whomever they please including the cowering security guys armed with their walkie-talkies. This would go on for about 20 minutes until the police could show up and MAYBE get in there and take out the bad guy. How many disarmed people would he be able to kill?

There is no sense in gun-free zones.

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